Is Sustainable Aviation Fuel the Future of the Industry

Published on
Oct 2, 2023

Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), unlike fossil fuels, can reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions significantly and is one of the most efficient tools for solving the emissions challenges caused by aviation in the coming years.

Photo courtesy of Neste

360 Jet Fuel is committed to increasing the use of SAF!

Sustainable fuel’s higher price point, however, also increases costs for airline operators and business jet charter companies. 360 Jet Fuel is preparing to mitigate this challenge by allocating a small portion (<5%) of SAF to each liter of fossil jet fuel sold, which amounts on average to 70 to 90 EUR per intra EU flight for a general aviation aircraft and 150 to 180 EUR per commercial airline flight. This is essentially the cost of SAF.

Actual and projected cost of SAF in USD/Liter

Source: IEA, Fossil jet and biojet fuel production cost ranges, 2010-2030, IEA, Paris. Licence: CC BY 4.0

SAF is a renewable substitute for fossil fuels that can be produced using various conversion technologies and previously used materials including agricultural, oil, and CO2 waste. It can be blended with conventional jet fuel and used in existing aircraft without modifications to engines or infrastructure. Therefore, there are no specific limitations to its use in existing aircraft.

Depending on the conversion technology and raw materials used, SAF can reduce CO2 emissions b around 80% compared to fossil fuels. This type of fuel also produces fewernon-CO2 emissions, which increases greenhouse gas reduction efficiency, significantly reducing the carbon footprint of flying. For this reason and more, it is widely recognized that sustainable aviation fuel will ultimately be the best alternative to fossil jet fuel.

In addition to the obvious benefits for the environment, the European Union (EU) has agreed to ramp up SAF usage over the next few decades and will implement an EU-wide mandate in 2025.There are also several national SAF mandates in place in some EU countries, and various SAF purchases go towards fulfilling these mandates. The increased use of SAF will bring additional costs for airline operators and business jet charter companies, as fuel is one of the largest cost items for operating flights and SAF is 2 to 5 times more expensive than regular jet fuel. These increased fuel costs will likely be reflected in ticket prices in the coming years, and since regulations apply to all EU airlines, all will experience increased costs.

But why should you pay for SAF? In addition to directly reducing emissions from flights, increasing these purchases will boost supply and demand, which supports the development and growth of the SAF market and infrastructure. SAF is purchased and used based on the SAF Book and Claim system; the fuel is not physically delivered and loaded onto a particular aircraft or flight, but by supporting the market through these purchases, airline operators and business jet charter companies can claim the environmental advantages associated with sustainable fuel purchase and use. A similar mechanism is used in the green electricity market. With the goal of increasing the use of SAF, all allocated premiums (per your invoice) are used for SAF purchases. Currently, for each flight sold by airline operators or business jet charter companies, a small amount of around 2% of the total fuel burn is allocated in your invoice for SAF purchase and included in your total fuel price. SAF purchases will take place throughout the year. 360 Jet Fuel’s Green Fuel Book and Claim service is a great example of this practice!  

Source: World Economic Forum, Power-to-Liquid Roadmap, via Airport-World

The future of SAF is promising! Governments and industry stakeholders are actively promoting the use of this fuel to reduce aviation emissions. SAF is expected to play a crucial role in achieving sustainability goals in the aviation sector. To stay informed about the sustainability initiatives and efforts of airline operators and business jet charter companies, you can visit the irrespective websites and sustainability reports. Many airlines are actively sharing information about their commitment to reducing emissions and increasing the use of SAF. You can also browse our website to learn more about 360 Jet Fuel’s commitment. By increasing the use of SAF, we can contribute to developing sustainable aviation fuel infrastructure and help create a more sustainable aviation industry.